Franklinstraße 26, 1210 Wien +43 1 278 34 55

Our reflections about Erasmus+ with Ørestad Gymnasium from Kopenhagen

“The 3 days the Danish students were here were the best 3 days in this school year.  All of the small talks we had were so funny but also quite interesting. On Tuesday we saw each other for the first time and it was great. We played fun games so we would get to know everyone faster.”

“When our guests from Denmark first arrived, I felt a little bit overwhelmed because there were so many and new people. The lunch at Birner’s restaurant was also really interesting, because my friend and I were the only Viennese students on our table, but that’s what we wanted to get to know the Danish people better. It was cool that even with 3 or 4 years difference in age, we, as a group, brought together by the Erasmus+ Project, could connect and interact so well.”

“Our F26 guided tour with the Danish students was really funny and it sounded as if their school was really different from our school.”

“I´m a little bit sad because we didn´t have that much time with the Danes and I wished that we would have spent more time with them since I got close with many of them.”

“It was very interesting to find out about the Danish culture and the school in Denmark. It was fun to talk to them, see how they work and how they think about certain topics. We had a great laugh and my highlight was the at KENT restaurant, we talked much about our country with the Danes.”

“I think these three days were really educating for us and we could lern a lot of new stuff and also made new friends from another country. They were older than us, but we still could talk a lot about our interests we had in common and connect, which was really great. My personal highlight was the dinner at KENT because we all had so much fun together and it felt like we had known each other for longer than one day!”

“I thought that the project was great fun because I made some friends and had a good time with them. It was nice to see other people of the same ethnicity as me since I’m the only person from my country in my class. Surprisingly one of the girls was actually the cousin of my childhood friend, which I found funny. I even got some of their Instagram accounts so we could stay in touch. It was unfortunate, though, that they had to leave so soon. We could’ve definitely done so much more if they had stayed a little longer. For example going out privately without any teachers.”

“I really liked this project because I learned so much. I improved my English a lot because I only spoke English three days in a row, and learned much about the Danish.”

“I’m so excited for next year when my class visits Copenhagen. All together it was an amazing experience.”


Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat

Mo. - Do. 7:30-14:30 Uhr
Fr. 7:30-14:00 Uhr


Februar 2025
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Über uns

Die F26 - BG, BRg, wiku BRg 21 / Franklinstraße 26 - ist eine allgemeinbildende höhere Schule (AHS), die sowohl auf vielfältige Wissensvermittlung als auch auf die Persönlichkeitsbildung der Schüler*innen Wert legt.